Pizza Margherita Restauranger i Siror
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Boka Bord
Stad: Siror, Laghetto, 46, 38054, Siror, Italy
MasterCard, Visa-kort, Wifi, Kortbetalning

Genomsnittspriset för Pizza Margherita är:
119 kr

Sikta tomater
- Antal 0.25 cup (61g)

- Antal 3 ounces (85g)

Extra Virgin Olivolja
- Antal 1 tablespoon (14g)

Färsk Basilika
- Antal 6 leaves (4g)
Dessa recensioner avser endast de nämnda ingredienserna.
soou, baked the pizza and uploaded a picture. the teig was really great, for that very big praise. after I have kneaded him for 10 minutes by hand he was supple as usual and he also went super. However, the tomatensauce was to me personally too inten...
merI've rubbed the **** mozzarella with the hands over the pizza very fine, so I have to say that was really great. will soon be uploading a photo. achja a question, do you give the basilicum leaves before baking on the pizza?
here is a small tip how the pizza gets a bit more color: the water content of 64% is a bit too high for the normal oven at home. Try it with about 60.% or 300 ml of water, and the half oil. mike from San francisco