Bidra med feedbackI am grateful that they open from 30 AM. They also have a parking lot. I ordered the morning catch set meal for 1500 yen, which is a chef's choice of fish based on that day's catch. Water and tea are self-service, so you have to get them yourself. The dishes are brought out in the order they are ready. The tempura was freshly fried and I enjoyed it with salt. The fish head soup had a soy sauce topping that you could pour over the fish head meat. It was piping hot and delicious. The simmered fish included two types of fish, with a nice fatty flavor and a light broth. The sashimi was fresh and had a nice texture. They even served squid liver on the side, which added to the meal. Overall, each dish was very delicious. The appearance of the restaurant, the interior, and the sofas aside, the staff were very friendly and accommodating. They offer a free refill of rice, but the fish was so delicious that I still wanted more. It's a great place to enjoy various ways of eating fish. However, be prepared for a longer mealtime. Eating the bony simmered fish, especially the fish head soup, takes time to eat neatly. If you have children with you, it may be helpful to be considerate of this. For me, it was a very enjoyable and meaningful time. I am grateful.
The restaurant's exterior may be worn out, but once inside, you will find a spacious layout with tables arranged to provide proper COVID-19 measures. The menu mainly focuses on fresh seafood dishes. The set meals and chef's choice set meals are priced at 1650 yen and offer a good variety of dishes, making you feel like you got a good deal. Additionally, if you arrive before 11:30 AM, you can enjoy the morning catch set meal for 1500 yen. The menu has a wide selection and generous portions, making it a place worth visiting again.
I didn't know where to eat, so I searched and found Eimaru with a rating of 4.1. The atmosphere was like a small restaurant, but not quite like a typical set meal restaurant. It was a mysterious space, but the smiles of the staff there were shining. It was my first time, so I ordered a reliable seafood bowl. It was really delicious, fresh and without any unpleasant smell. I was pleasantly surprised by how tasty it was, I would want to eat it every day! The person who explained and brought out the squid liver with it was a fisherman or head chef with a bit of an accent, which seemed to elevate the taste of the dish even more. It was great whether dipped in squid sashimi or poured over the bowl! Unfortunately, I couldn't take any home because it was raw, but I will definitely stop by to eat again when I'm nearby. Thank you very much!
入梅前の5月下旬の平日、千倉方面へ向かう途中、鋸南保田辺りで以前お伺いし、美味しく満足したものの、その日 ありつけなかった限定メニューのことを思い出し、急ぎその店に向かった。 保田と言えば、漁協直営の「ばんや」によく通うも、漁港を挟み向こう側に見えるオレンジ色の屋根の建物が今日目指すお店『浜の味 栄丸』である。 目当てのメニューがオーダーできる時間に滑り込みで入店。店内のお客さんは6組。席に着いていると、お店のおねえさんが限定メニューに「本日終了」の貼り紙をしに来たタイミングだった。 おねえさんから、「こちらご注文でしたか?」と聞かれ、打ち止め寸前に辛うじてオーダー。限定メニュー「朝漁定食」にありつけた。 このメニューは、その日、目の前の漁港にあがった朝漁れの魚を、刺身盛、天ぷら、煮魚、漁汁にした盛り沢山の定食で、店舗HPではトップで紹介されている。 定食なるも、皿毎に出来たてが運ばれて来、天ぷらはサクサク、塩でうまく、煮魚はホロホロ身である。刺盛りは三種で、捌いた であろう オヤジさんから魚種の説明があった。漁汁は具沢山で身を付けて食せる つけ汁 が別途用意される。 料理が揃うと卓上がいっぱい。朝漁れなので刺身は身が締まって鮮度抜群、調理されたタチ魚は、刺し、揚げ、煮、いづれにしても白身に適度な脂がのっていてうまい。 朝漁アジの姿煮は出来たてが運ばれ、旨さが一段とup。 11:30を過ぎ、お昼時のお客さんは次々に入店。壁には「よくばり膳」等の魅力的なメニューが並んでいる。食事を済ませ 気がつくと入店時のお客さんは皆入れ替わっていた。 お店では、獲れたもので干物や塩辛も製造しており、店舗内で購入して帰れるようになっている。 店を出ると漁港はスグ隣。澄んだ海がきれい。 朝漁れたての魚を刺、煮、揚の出来たて調理でいただける『朝漁定食』は、とてもおすすめ。(その他 魅力メニューは様々ある)
こ こ は お す す め !! 栄丸おまかせ定食A定食とゲソ唐揚げを注文。 天ぷらは野菜と魚、刺身は白身系でした。 天ぷらは熱々の時に食べてください。本当に美味しいです!!刺身は鮮度がとても良かったです。白飯は多いですが、大盛りにしても足りませんでした 進みすぎて ゲソ唐揚げは軽く食べれます! また行きます!ご馳走様でした。
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