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Bidra med feedbackCool fast food with atmospheric atmosphere. Nevertheless I often take their own sandwiches, but as a non-specialist eater I have appreciated the chicken miniburger for myself. a whole piece huh, an acceptable portion size for a girl if it is not a target to eat satiety. of beverages, I appreciated limonade similar to fresh juices diluted with water, in this form, even grapefruit proved to be very pleasant to the taste original Прикольный фастфуд с атмосферной обстановой. Вскаля чаще беру их же сэндвичи, но как не особый едок оценила для себя минини бургер с курицей Из напитков оценилалимонады похожи на фреши, разведеные водоййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййй
Burgers were often taken here, and they are always delicious. I'm vegetarian, so I always ask her to do it without meat. today they misunderstood me and gave up the speck. but I am very grateful that they have not ignored this, and they sent me new burgers without meat, and two donuts to them. thanks for their hard work. There's a lot of burgers here, and they're always delicious. I'm a vegetarian, so I always ask for meat. I didn't get bacon today. But I'm very grateful that it wasn't going to ignore, and they sent me a burgery without a belt and a kibomus.
It is strange to read negative custom reviews. as far as possible, I visited this institution, and I have seen nothing written by any incomprehensible expert. it turns out that the crowds that go there from time to time are so good and do not understand delicious eating? they have a certain, tovarischi expert, and I wish the owners the fast development of their caffes in a chain of states. Страно читать отрицательные заказные отзывы. Пpoдия Пpoдия Аладельам желаю бурного развития их кафе в сеть федерального масштаба.
In general, I liked everything, the food is good, but it's a little hot in summer :
We are visiting Vladikavkaz, which is famous for its excellent cuisine and good people. We ordered an old schoolburger, fries and 6 pieces of nuggets around 12 at night, which we were very happy about because delivery at other food outlets was no longer working. A very pleasant and polite girl took the order, it was delivered in half an hour. Amount with delivery 740 rubles. The nuggets were our disappointment... Salty, oak batter, brown in color, felt like they were deep fried a couple of times. It didn’t work out with pleasure, they mastered 2 pieces out of 6 . The signature Burger is large, beautiful, but completely dry, there are not enough tomatoes and lettuce leaves to “refresh” it. My husband mastered half Work on technology, you have excellent products are at hand and it is simply unacceptable to cook like this Original) Находимся в гостях во Владикавказе, который славится прекрасной кухней и хорошими людьми. Заказали олдскулбургер, фри и 6 шт нагетсов около 12-ти ночи , чему были очень рады тк доставка в других точках питания уже не работала. Очень приятная и вежливая девочка приняла заказ, его доставили за полчаса. Сумма с доставкой 740 руб. Нагетсы были нашим разочарованием... Солёные, дубовый кляр, коричневого цвета, по ощущениям их профритюрили пару раз. Есть с удовольствием не получилось, осили 2 шт из 6-ти . Фирменный Бургер большой, красивый, но абсолютно сухой, не хватает помидоров и листьев салата, чтобы подсвежить его. Муж осилил половину Работайте над технологией, у вас прекрасные продукты под рукой и так готовить просто неприемлемо
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